Italian cookbook - Four seasons of Italian flavours - Volume I - English - EPUB

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  • Best of 70 exceptional signatures and authentic Italian recipes by Casa Bandera!
  • Antipasti, Pasta, Risotto, Gnocchi, Meat & Fish, Desserts
  • English version 2025 (other languages available)
  • EPUB format eBook (other formats available)
  • Secure payment - Apple Pay, Google Pay, Payment cards, PayPal and more
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Cookbook available in January 2025!

enjoy italian cuisine like never before with this selection of recipes created by casa bandera for an easy, gourmet culinary experience

essential information

  • Title Four seasons of Italian flavours
  • Summary Italian cooking ebook by Casa Bandera: featuring over 70 signature recipes for both beginners and experienced chefs, including traditional and updated Italian dishes.
  • Genre Italian cuisine
  • Author Casa Bandera
  • Language English (other languages possible)
  • Format EPUB (other formats possible)
  • File size 15 MB
  • Number of pages 250 pages
  • ISBN
  • Publisher Auto-édition
  • Publication date January 1, 2025
  • DRM protection DRM-protected

compatibility with devices and applications

  • eReaders Kobo, Nook, PocketBook, Tolino
  • Smartphones/Tablets
    • iOS  Apple Books
    • Android Google Play Books, Moon+ Reader, Aldiko
  • Computers Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, Apple Books (macOS)
  • Web browsers Firefox (EPUBReader), Chrome (Readium)

free sample available!

updated 01/01/2025

reasons to choose this cookbook from casa bandera

  • Highlights of Italian recipes Explore a curated selection of standout Italian dishes.
  • Original creations by Casa Bandera Discover unique recipes crafted exclusively by Casa Bandera.
  • Classic Italian recipes Enjoy time-honored recipes that embody the essence of traditional Italian cuisine.
  • Complete Italian menus Find full menus designed to offer a comprehensive Italian dining experience.
  • Simple and fast recipes Access easy-to-follow recipes that save time without sacrificing flavor.
  • Balanced Mediterranean diet Embrace recipes that align with the principles of a healthy Mediterranean diet.
  • Daily meal inspiration Receive fresh ideas for everyday meals to keep your cooking exciting and varied.
  • Premium ingredients Learn about top-quality ingredients that elevate your dishes.
  • Seasonal recipes Enjoy recipes tailored to each season, showcasing the best ingredients throughout the year.
  • Expert tips from an Italian chef Benefit from valuable insights and techniques shared by a seasoned Italian chef.
  • Step-by-step instructions Follow detailed, easy-to-understand instructions for successful cooking.
  • Visual guides for key steps Use images that illustrate important steps in the cooking process for better results.
  • Elegant presentation ideas Discover tips for presenting your dishes in a sophisticated and appealing manner.
  • Recommended food and wine pairings Find suggestions for pairing your meals with the perfect wines.
  • Insights into Italian food history and culture Gain a deeper understanding of the rich history and cultural significance of Italian cuisine.

contents of the ebook "four seasons of italian flavours, volume i"

  • Introduction Introducing Casa Bandera
  • Antipasti 16 recipes
  • Primi piatti 32 recipes (pasta, risottos, gnocchi, polenta)
  • Secondi piatti 10 recipes (meat, seafood, fish)
  • Dolci 11 unique Italian desserts
  • All about pasta
    • Varieties of pasta
    • Preparation of fresh pasta and homemade gnocchi (5 recipes)
    • Recommended pasta brands
    • Choice of pasta
    • Types of flour
    • Recommended utensils
  • Culinary guide
    • Italian cooking glossary
  • Thanks

details about the recipes

  • Ingredients and quantities List of ingredients and their amounts
  • Servings Number of portions
  • Cost Estimated expense
  • Level of difficulty Difficulty rating
  • Time required Preparation and cooking time
  • Materials required Necessary tools and equipment
  • Calories Caloric content
  • Gluten Information about gluten
  • History and origin Background and origins of the dish
  • Detailed stages Step-by-step preparation process
  • Photos of milestones Images illustrating key steps
  • Suggested accompaniments (Italian wines) Recommended pairings with Italian wines
  • Seasons best suited to the dish Ideal seasons for the recipe

Buy this cookbook now and treat yourself to first-rate Italian recipes!

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Italian cookbook - Four seasons of Italian flavours - Volume I - English - EPUB
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